T-shirt sizes and prices: children's sml, med, lg- $14.00
Adult small , med, lg, XL-$16.00       2 X, 3X- $18.00
May also be ordered in natural or light green

GMF  4 X 5 note cards - pkg. of 10, $8.00
inside - Green Mountain Falls poem by Rev. Graham Frank,1889.  May be customized with your name, date, etc. 

GMF Apron with pockets - $12.00  
Prices do not include shipping. 
Contact greenmtnmemories@yahoo.com for ordering.

Also available but not shown - GMF gazebo magnets and bumper stickers, size 4 X 6, $7.50.
Coming soon - GMF coffee mugs and photo journals! Check with us for updates.

Thank you for your interest.  We look forward to serving you!

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